

  I. Otroshchenko


Based on unpublished documents, the article explores the relationship between the Mongolian People’s Republic MPR and the Tuvan People’s Republic (TPR) on the eve of the latter’s accession to the Soviet Union. The issue of determining the border remained key in relations between the two republics until Tuva became part of the USSR. The Mongolian government insisted on clarifying the borderline according to historical data and argued that the return to citizens of the border areas of their ancestral pasture lands could prevent conflicts between the arats of the border areas on both sides. For TPR, on the contrary, the earlier adopted and beneficial for it agreement of 1932 was quite satisfactory. The Soviet Union, which Mongolia and Tuva repeatedly addressed as an arbiter in 1941–1943, proposed instead of revising the entire border line to refine certain disputed sections. Since the mid-1943, the Mongolian-Tuvan polemic on the border seems to be moving into an unofficial channel, which can be explained by the positive decision of the Soviet side, adopted in the spring of 1943, on the accession of Tuva to the USSR in the future.
Despite the constant border conflicts in the 1940s and the lack of progress in the negotiation process regarding the border question, official contacts between the MPR and TNR continued until Tuva joined the USSR. But bilateral relations were also complicated by the movement of some Tuvans to Mongolia, which began back in the 1930s as a reaction to repressive state policies. At the same time in the 1940s continued the massive forced relocation to Tuva of a part of Tuvans from the Mongolian regions bordering on it. Soviet diplomats understood the difficult relations between the establishments of both republics and tried to take this into account in everyday diplomatic practice.

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international relations, Kh. Choibalsan, Mongol People’s Republic, Mongols, S. Toka, Tuvan People’s Republic, Tuvans, USSR


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