The paper investigates the concept of cultural memory, designed as a way of reading the past through its representation and comprehension in literature, on the example of the novel “Korkunç Yıllar” written by the Crimean-Tatar writer C. Dağcı. It analyses the influence of the mentioned topic on the worldview perspective of the writer and, as a result, on the formation of the concept of “national identity” in general.
The research goals are focused on an attempt to outline the specific traits of the formation and self-identification of the Crimean Tatar nation through its narrative, and thus through the cultural memory of generations.
Architectonics of the research performed by the following components and aspects: to outline the emergence of a new scientific direction – memory studies in the context of literary discourse; the practical component is the attempt to use the conceptual tools of memory studies to analyze the literary heritage of Gengiz Dağcı from the point of the re-articulation of meanings and the formation of the national identity of the Crimean Tatar people.
Regarding the plot-thematic perspective, the study provides an understanding of the representation of the idea of national identity in Cengiz Dağcı’s novel “Korkunç Yıllar” through the prism of memorable meanings. In almost all novels of the Crimean cycle, the writer emphasizes that retrospective and perspective understanding of the history becomes a valuable precondition for active intervention in the life process and structure of social dynamics. It is in the spatial-temporal continuum of a particular culture that the formation of a person, the search for their own exceptional values, fami-liarity with traditions and the formation of ideological landmarks. Thus, the key issue of national identity is shaped in the process of understanding the past, the actual present and future perspectives which are expected. National identity represents itself as a cumulative result of the past, and at the same time as an orientation towards the future.
How to Cite
Cengiz Dağcı’s prose, Crimean Tatar literature, cultural memory, national identity, traumatic past
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