

  M. Aradzhyoni


The paper explores the traditional activities and craft specialization of the Greeks-citizens of the Crimea in late 19th – first half of the 20th century.
The topic is relevant not only to understand the ethnic and cultural cha-racteristics of this community and the strategies for survival of small compact ethnic groups, but also to clarify a number of issues related to the ethnic history of Crimea, including the fact of deportation on the national basis of the Greeks from Crimea Peninsula in 1944.
The main sources of research were the materials of the First All-Russian Population Census and documents of the Central State Archive of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. At the end of the 19th century on the Crimea peninsula as a whole, a new community of Greeks was formed, which numbered around 20,000 people. The Greeks were settled mainly in the southern and mountainous parts of the peninsula, almost 60 % of them – in the cities. The group was extremely motley, formed as a result of numerous migrations. More than half Greek-speaking Crimean Greeks (53 %) were foreign labor migrants. The review of the main occupations and the specialty of handicrafts by the Greek-city residents of the Crimea shows that in 1897 more than 53 % of them were engaged in the service sector (including 29 % – directly in commerce), 23 % were engaged in crafts and trade. After the change of the state system in the 1920th the Greeks, in spite of the decrease in the number and general population impoverishment because of wars, migrations, famine, continued to engage in their traditional crafts and worked in the service sector. During the NEP period, they opened many bakeries, workshops, restaurants, and engaged in petty trade, but already in 1929th, due to this, many of them were struck by rights and deprived of work, moreover were expelled.
In connection with industrialization and collectivization, the majority of Greeks were forced to enter collective farms in order to survive in the conditions of unemployment and the policy pursued by the Soviet authorities, to establish industrial cooperatives or to replenish the ranks of the workers of state enterprises. With the beginning of Hitler’s occupation, the Greeks showed loyalty to the Soviet government, rendered assistance to the partisans and underground men, and directly participated in the resistance movement. In a war-torn economy and a policy that the Germans carried out in the occupied territories, when the private initiative was once again resolved, the Greeks only returned to those practices that traditionally fed their families – to crafts trade and, to work in the service sector. Thus, the foreign-supported Greeks were involved in trade and service sectors more. The analysis of the number of Greek people on the eve of the Second World War and its participation in the artisan industry and trade shows that they were not so significant as to make significant influence on the development of the economy in the occupied territories. Proceeding from all the above, we come to the conclusion that L. Beria’s version regarding to the reason which he had brought as the justification of the deportation of the Greeks from the Crimea is obviously false.

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artisans, Crimea, deportation, Greeks


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