The article is devoted to the analysis of one aspect of the intellectual biography of the prominent Japanese political thinker and politician, Kita Ikki (Terujiro). It covers the period of his coming-to-be as an intellectual. For the best understanding of conditions of formation of his mental outlook, the author describes the family of Kita, the atmosphere of his childhood, the peculiarities of education, the beginning of journalistic activity. Attention is paid to the events of the social and political life and the processes in the intellectual life of Japan, against which the formation of the worldview of Kita Ikki took place. In particular, the specific features of Japanese socialism of the early period are considered, as well as the concept of national polity (kokutai) and the different approaches to this concept at the Meiji era. Particular emphasis is placed on the cycle of articles by Kita, written in 1903 and devo-ted to the question of future war with Russia. The main ideological differences between his view on this issue and that of the leading socialist figures of Japan, like Kōtoku Shūsui or Sakai Toshihiko, are analyzed. It has been shown that Kita’s views on imperialism could have been influenced by the work of such representatives of the late Meiji liberalism as Tokutomi Sohō and Ukita Kazutami. The analysis leads to conclusion that Kita’s worldview was formed on the basis of the Confucian education received in childhood, and then influenced, on the one hand, by Meiji socialism, on the other, by right-wing liberalism. Thus Kita created his original system of thought called by him ‘pure socialism” (junsei shakashugi). Despite all the ideological diffe-rences, in particular, in relation to the war, the favorable reception of the first book of Kita Ikki by the socialists shows that, generally, at this stage, he remained within the framework of the Japanese socialist discourse of his time.
How to Cite
intellectual, intellectual biography, Japan, Kita Ikki, socio-political thought, the Meiji era
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