The article suggests and substantiates the division of the history of Japanese Pan-Asianism in 1900–1945 into three periods, divided by the Shandong expedition of 1928 and the declaration of building a “New Order in East Asia” in 1938. The article analyzes how the Japanese Pan-Asianism’s attitude towards China in the first half of the 20th century varied from solidarity to paternalism and imperialism. It is shown that the problem of modernization of China has always been central to the Pan-Asian ideology, but different ways to solve it were offered by different Asianists. Particular attention is paid to the views of such thinkers as Okakura Tenshin, Okawa Shumei, Ishivara Kanji, Miyazaki Masayoshi and the Showa Research Society (Showa kenkyukai) members: Miki Kiyoshi, Royama Masamichi, Odzaki Hotsumi. Also the speech by Sun Yat-sen in Kobe in 1924 is analyzed as an important document of the cooperation between the Japanese Asianists and the Chinese revolutionaries.
How to Cite
Miki Kiyoshi, Odzaki Hotsumi, Question of China’s Modernization, Royama Masamichi, The Evolution of Pan-Asianism
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