The article is devoted to a representative of Ukrainian geopolitical thought of the beginning of the XXth century Dr. Yuriy Lypa (1900–1944) who by his “All-Ukrainian Trilogy” has continued the tradition of M. Hrushevsky, S. Rudnytsky, A. Syniavsky. He elaborated a scientific conception of foreign policy of an independent Ukraine which would have appeared as a result of the WW II. First of all he mentioned necessity of clear self-identification of the people, taking into account geopolitical factors, which indicate that the axis of the Ukrainian foreign policy should be the axis “North–South”. He stressed the great importance of the Black Sea and came out in favor of cooperation of the Black Sea countries and of the unity in common struggle for their rights and interests. A special importance he recognized for the peoples of the Caucasus–partners as allies of the Ukrainian State. He also underlined the importance of Turkish-Ukrainian cooperation in safeguarding of independence and stability of the Black Sea basin countries which could become victims of imperialistic states because of inland character of the Black Sea. In his analysis he also took into consideration the geopolitical importance for Ukraine of Belarus and the Armenian Plateau. Y. Lypa stressed also the importance of economic development in Ukraine. He also supported the idea of transfer of the Ecumenical Patriarchate from Istanbul to Kyiv. His position was anti-colonial and Ukraine-centrist. Many of his ideas remain topical today.
How to Cite
Black Sea basin countries, Foreign Policy, Turkish-Ukrainian cooperation, Ukraine, Ukrainian Geopolitical Thought, Y. Lypa
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