

  В. В. Черноіваненко


Пропонована стаття присвячена еротичним пасажам і мотивам у Біблії, у першу чергу з 1 і 2 Книг Самуїла, де оповідається про взаємини Давида і Йонатана. Мета статті полягає насамперед у тому, аби розглянути згадані взаємини як через призму основного джерела (ТаНаХу), так і шляхом залучення інших літературних пам’яток давнього Близького Сходу (наприклад, Епосу про Гільгамеша). Крім того, у статті здійснюється новітній огляд праць провідних дослідників у галузі квір-біблеїстики з урахуванням попередньої історіографії.

Як цитувати

Черноіваненко, В. В. (2012). ЕРОТИЧНІ МОТИВИ В 1-2 КНИГАХ САМУЇЛА І ЛІТЕРАТУРНИЙ КОНТЕКСТ: ІСТОРІЯ ПРОБЛЕМИ ТА СУЧАСНІ ДИСКУСІЇ. Сходознавство, (57-58), 185-203. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2012.57-58.185
Переглядів статті: 64 | Завантажень PDF: 28


Ключові слова

1-2 Книгах Самуїла, історія проблеми, Еротичні мотиви, літературний контекст, сучасні дискусії


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Gagnon R. The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics. Nashville, 2001.

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Greenberg S. Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition. Madison, Wisconsin, 2004.

Hackett J. 1 and 2 Samuel // Women’s Bible Commentary / Ed. by C. Newsom and S. Ringe. Louisville, Kentucky, 1998.

Halperin D. One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love. New York, 1990.

Held G. Parallels between the Gilgamesh Epic and Plato’s Symposium // Homosexuality in the Ancient World / Ed. by W. Dynes and S. Donaldson. New York – London, 1992.

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Horner T. Jonathan and David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times. Philadelphia, 1978.

Klein L. Bathsheba Revealed // Samuel and Kings / Ed. by A. Brenner. Sheffield, 2000.

Klein L. Michal, the Barren Wife // Samuel and Kings / Ed. by A. Brenner. Sheffield, 2000.

Landay J. David: Power, Lust and Betrayal in Biblical Times. Berkeley, 1998.

Mace D. Hebrew Marriage: A Sociological Study. London, 1953.

Nardelli J.–F. Homosexuality and Laminality in the Gilgameš and Samuel. Amsterdam, 2007.

Nardelli J.–F. Le motif de la paire d’amis héroïque à prolongements homophiles. Perspectives odysséennes et proche-orientales. Amsterdam, 2004.

Nissinen M. Are there Homosexuals in Mesopotamian Literature? // Journal of the American Oriental Society. 2010. Vol. 130.

Nissinen M. Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective. Minneapolis, 1998.

Olyan S. “Surpassing the Love of Women”: Another Look at 2 Sam 1:26 and the Relationship of David and Jonathan // Authorizing Marriage? Canon, Tradition and Critique in the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions / Еd. by Mark D. Jordan. Princeton, 2006.

Patai R. Family, Love and the Bible. London, 1960.

Römer T., Bonjour L. L’homosexualité dans le Proche-Orient ancien et la Bible. Genève, 2005.

Rummel S. Clothes Make the Man – An Insight from Ancient Ugarit // Biblical Archaeologist. 1976. No. 2.

Schroer S., Staubli T. Saul, David and Jonathan – The Story of a Triangle? A Contribution to the Issue of Homosexuality in the First Testament // Samuel and Kings: A Feminist Companion to the Bible. Sheffield, 2000.

Spargo T. Foucault and Queer Theory. New York, 2000.

Zehnder M. Observations on the Relationship between David and Jonathan and the Debate on Homosexuality // Westminster Theological Journal. 2007. No. 69.


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Ackerman S. (2005), When Heroes Love: The Ambiguity of Eros in the Stories of Gilgamesh and David, New York. https://doi.org/10.7312/acke13260

Assante J. (2003), “From Whores to Hierodules: The Historiographic Invention of Mesopotamian Female Sex Professionals”, in A. Donahue and M. Fullerton (eds), Ancient Art and Its Historiography, Cambridge.

Boswell J. (1994), Same-Sex Unions in Premodern Europe, New York.

Budin S. (2008), The Myth of Sacred Prostitution in Antiquity, Cambridge. https://doi.org/10.1017/CBO9780511497766

Gagnon R. (2001), The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics, Nashville.

Gerig B., Homosexuality in the Ancient Near East, beyond Egypt, available at: http://epistle.us/hbarticles/neareast.html

Greenberg S. (2004), Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition, Madison, Wisconsin.

Hackett J. (1998), “1 and 2 Samuel”, in Women’s Bible Commentary, C. Newsom and S. Ringe (Ed.), Louisville, Kentucky.

Halperin D. (1990), One Hundred Years of Homosexuality: And Other Essays on Greek Love, New York.

Held G. (1992), “Parallels between the Gilgamesh Epic and Plato’s Symposium”, in Homosexuality in the Ancient World, W. Dynes and S. Donaldson (Eds.), New York,London.

Helminiak D. (2000), What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality, Tajique, NM.

Horner T. (1978), Jonathan and David: Homosexuality in Biblical Times, Philadelphia.

Klein L. (2000), “Bathsheba Revealed”, in Samuel and Kings, A. Brenner (Ed.), Sheffield.

Klein L. (2000), “Michal, the Barren Wife”, in Samuel and Kings, A. Brenner (Ed.), Sheffield.

Landay J. (1998), David: Power, Lust and Betrayal in Biblical Times, Berkeley.

Mace D. (1953), Hebrew Marriage: A Sociological Study, London.

Nardelli J.–F. (2007), Homosexuality and Laminality in the Gilgameš and Samuel, Amsterdam.

Nardelli J.–F. (2004), Le motif de la paire d’amis héroïque à prolongements homophiles. Perspectives odysséennes et proche-orientales, Amsterdam.

Nissinen M. (2010), “Are there Homosexuals in Mesopotamian Literature?”, in Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 130.

Nissinen M. (1998), Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective, Minneapolis.

Olyan S. (2006), «“Surpassing the Love of Women”: Another Look at 2 Sam 1:26 and the Relationship of David and Jonathan», in Authorizing Marriage? Canon, Tradition and Critique in the Blessing of Same-Sex Unions, Mark D. Jordan (Еd.), Princeton.

Patai R. (1960), Family, Love and the Bible, London.

Römer T. and Bonjour L. (2005), L’homosexualité dans le Proche-Orient ancien et la Bible, Genève.

Rummel S. (1976), “Clothes Make the Man – An Insight from Ancient Ugarit”, Biblical Archaeologist, No. 2.

Schroer S. and Staubli T. (2000), “Saul, David and Jonathan – The Story of a Triangle? A Contribution to the Issue of Homosexuality in the First Testament”, in Samuel and Kings: A Feminist Companion to the Bible, Sheffield.

Spargo T. (2000), Foucault and Queer Theory, New York.

Zehnder M. (2007), “Observations on the Relationship between David and Jonathan and the Debate on Homosexuality”, Westminster Theological Journal, No. 69.