Crimea occupation has a serious impact on southern regions of Kherson Oblast. Social-economical and private relationships of local citizens with Crimea have been rapidly decreasing since then.
Nowadays Kherson Oblast is a home for the third generation of Crimean Tatars who have a rather different experience from the ones living in Crimea. Almost all of the Crimean Tatars, based in Kherson Oblast, are well integra-ted into local communities and have wide social contacts. They do business with other nationalities rather than being locked in their community. Moreover, Crimean Tatars from Kherson Oblast choose their business partners not based on their ethnic affiliation or political views.
After the Crimea occupation, Crimean Tatars of Kherson Oblast are coming through serious inside changes of national institutions and leadership positions.
The role of the local Mejlis has increased significantly for the entire community of Crimean Tatars on a national scale and has become noticeable at the international level. Changes in the scale of activities and the emergence of new challenges have led to a partial mobilization of the community and a certain internal restructuring of the national self-government bodies.
At the same time, new players in the leader group from among the Crimean Tatars settlers from Crimea appeared in the region. This significantly influenced the way of acting and representation of the local Crimean Tatar community.
Now there are new opportunities to raise resources for the needs of the Crimean Tatar community, which had never been involved in the region. In particular, from the state budget, the Central Mejlis or international donors. This access to national and international resources is becoming an important factor in changing social status of the Crimean Tatar at the local level.
How to Cite
Crimean Tatars, Kherson region, Meskhetian Turks, regional identity
Встреча с крымскими татарами, проживающими в Херсонской области. – Режим доступу:
Інтерв’ю з Вейсером Сарибіляловим. 25 листопада 2016 року, селище Новоолексіївка Генічеського району.
Інтерв’ю з імамом селища Новоолексіївка. 27 листопада 2016 р.
Інтерв’ю з обласним імамом Херсонської області шейхом Казимом. м. Херсон. 24 листопада 2016 р.
Vstrecha s kryimskimi tatarami, prozhivayuschimi v Hersonskoy oblasti, rezhim dostupu:
Interv״yu z Veyserom Sarybilyalovym, 25 lystopada 2016 roku, selyshche Novooleksiyivka Heniches’koho rayonu.
Interv״yu z imamom selyshcha Novooleksiyivka, 27 lystopada 2016 r.
Interv״yu z oblasnym imamom Khersons’koyi oblasti sheykhom Kazymom, m. Kherson. 24 lystopada 2016 r.