

  T. Batanova


Although linguists research almost millennial history of Yiddish language use by European Jewry, yet the emergence of modern comprehensive Yiddish culture can be traced only after 1860s. After Jewish/Yiddish language conference in Chernivtsi of 1908 Yiddishism as a Jewish national movement for the rights of Yiddish in educational, cultural, communal and political spheres enters politics, namely programs and agenda of most of the Jewish political parties, as well as to the political concepts of national-cultural (or national-personal) autonomy. After the revolution of 1917 and democratization of the former Russian Empire, Kyiv became not only a significant center for development of Yiddishism ideas, but also an anticipated place to implement the ideas.
From July 1917 five Jewish political parties such as the Bund (General Jewish Workers’ League in Lithuania, Poland, and Russia), the Jewish Social-Democratic Workers’ Party “Poaley-Tsion”, the United Jewish Socialist Workers’ Party (Fareyikte), the Jewish People’s Party (Folkspartey), and the Zionists directly participated in the work of the Ukrainian Central Rada. Owing to their activity, on July 15, 1917, for the first time in the history, the Vice Secretary for Jewish Affairs (later General Secretary and Minister for Jewish Affairs) was appointed.
Analyzing various archival documents of the Ministry for Jewish Affairs, documents of the five Jewish political parties, party and non-party Yiddish periodicals, memoirs, and historiography, we may research peculiarities of discussions concerning the status of Yiddish, as well as successful or problematic use of Yiddish as the official language of the state, politics, community, education, and culture.

How to Cite

Batanova, T. (2017). YIDDISHISM OF JEWISH POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE UKRAINIAN CENTRAL RADA (1917–1918): FROM JARGON TO THE LANGUAGE OF STATE, POLITICS, COMMUNITY, EDUCATION, AND CULTURE. The Oriental Studies, (78), 3-16. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2017.78.003
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community, documents, Jewish political parties, Jews, language, politics, revolution, the Ukrainian Central Rada, Yiddish, Yiddishism


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