The article discusses the meaning of the “House of Life” in Ancient Egypt that was the institution for sacral knowledge preservation, which supported and developed certain cultural tradition. Despite the fact that refe-rences to it have been encountered since the First Dynasty, all the evidences are fragmentary and don’t give an opportunity to make a complete picture of its functions or architectural forms. Only the papyrus Salt 825 contains information about its staff and layout, as well as a vignette that demonstrates its structure. The scope of the institution’s activity was quite diverse. The texts connect it with medicine, some incenses and ointments were made there that could be used both for embalming and as medication. However, ailments could be not only of physical nature, against some diseases only magic could help. The creation of magical literature was one of the directions of its activity. Its servants took part in one of the most hidden rituals – heb-sed. The art of interpreting dreams and astronomical studies and predictions were also a part of the “House of Life” personnel duties. No less important kind of professional activity of the “House of Life” as a theological institute was the work of compiling and editing religious texts (hymns, “annals of the gods”), including texts relating to the funeral literature. Despite the active involvement of the “House of Life” scribes in the activities of the state administration, the “House of Life” itself was kept away from political everyday life; it protects the cultural foundations on which Egypt stands. Perhaps, it can be explained by the closeness of the “House of Life”. Everything that we learn about its activity from ancient Egyptian sources occurs outside of it, but inside it remains “intimate”, as described in the papyrus Salt 825. This is due to its function for the protection of cultural memory, and the danger of going beyond its limits, the forces lurking in its magical books.
How to Cite
ancient Egypt, mytho-theology, sacral tradition, “House of Life”
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