

  A. Zelinskyi


The author of this paper is offering to reconsider a widespread dating of transition of Cilicia (the area in a south coast of the Asia Minor) from the son of Antigonus Monophtalmus: Demetrius Poliorcetes, who has conquered it in the beginning of 290-es years B.C.E., to the power of the ancestor of a dynasty of Seleucids: Seleucus I Nicator. In the modern historiography there is a statement according to which Seleucus Nicator had conquered Cilicia from Demetrius Poliorcetes in 295/294 year B.C.E. As of today, this idea is supported by G. Hölbl, J. Grainger, S. V. Smirnov, B. van Oppen de Ruiter, Th. Rose, I. Kralli and some other scholars. But this opinion, in absence of any documentary evidence, should be regarded as a historiographical myth. In my opinion, Cilicia, which was grasping by son of Antigonus Monophtalmus from his own brother-in-law Pleistarchus earlier (Plut. Demetr. 20, 31–32), had been included in Seleucid Empire during the Fifth War of the Diadochi (288–285 years B.C.E.); namely: sometime between the Demetrius’s loss of Macedonia (288/287 year B.C.E.) and the beginning of his campaigns in Asia Minor (286/285 year B.C.E.). In favor of the given assumption the following arguments can be provided: 1) The first mention of Seleucus’ acquiring Cilicia is dated to winter 286/285 years B.C.E. (Plut. Demetr. 47; Georg. Sync. Chron. ed. A. Mosshammer, 321, 329); 2) Alliance with potential opponents, Ptolemy and Lysimachus, on the eve of the Fifth War of the Diadochi (Just. XVI. 2; Oros. III. 23.53) testifies Seleucus intention to expand his own state, which ould be achieved only by acquiring Cilicia; 3) Recognition of Seleucus rule over the aforementioned territory by Demetrius in the winter of 286/285 year B.C.E. (Plut. Demetr. 47), together with the passivity shown by the former during the war, testifies to that Poliorcetes earlier has voluntary conceded Cilicia to Nicator.

How to Cite

Zelinskyi, A. (2019). “CAPTURE” OF CILICIA BY SELEUCUS I: REVISION OF DATING. The Oriental Studies, (83), 3-24. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2019.83.003
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Cilicia, Demetrius Poliorcetes, Fifth War of the Diadoch, historiographical myth, Seleucus Nicator


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