

  A. Bocharnikova


The article analyzes the content and structure of the exposition of the Linguistic Educational Museum of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and focuses on the place of oriental material among different types of exhibits of this museum. After reviewing the history of creation and sources of the exposition and providing information about all aspects of the museum’s activities, the classification of excursions conducted in the museum was carried out and given. The logical principles according to which the exhibits are composed into a single whole are analyzed. The exposition uses a combination of directing the linguistic phenomena illustrated by the exhibits in descending scale together with the opposition of synchrony and diachrony of the corresponding phenomena. The analysis and, accordingly, the classification of physical types of exhibits and, separately, the classification of exhibits due to the sources of information depicted by them were also performed. The museum’s collection consists of graphic and subject exhibits. The content of graphic exhibits can be divided into five types. The first includes tables and illustrations taken from the publications of linguists. The second – exhibits, information for which is taken from existing world scientific publications, but the head of the museum himself created a graphic image, which illustrates the textual information. The third type includes exhibits that illustrate the results of own researches of the exhibition’s creator. Also in the exhibition there are text samples of world languages that do not contain scientific information, but have educational value, and, finally, graphic exhibits without linguistic information. It has been determined which types of the elements of exposition in its present state have content related to oriental languages. The range of phenomena specific to oriental languages, which have not yet been reflected by the exposition, and which are planned to be added to it after the reconstruction of the museum, is outlined.

How to Cite

Bocharnikova, A. (2020). EASTERN LANGUAGES IN EXPOSITION OF THE LINGUISTIC EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM OF TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF KYIV. The Oriental Studies, (86), 87-98. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2020.86.087
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classification of exhibits, exposition, linguistic museum, linguistics, oriental languages


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