The problem of standardizing the phonetic transcription for the Qur’an readings of Asim and Nafi
The phonetic transcription for the Arabic language, while useful for many purposes, is limited in its ability to convey the intricacies and nuances inherent in Quranic recitations. Each recitation (or Qira’ah) presents unique phonetic variations that cannot be fully captured by traditional transcription systems, which often overlook the subtle vocal shifts and pronunciations specific to the Quranic text. The present study aims to address this challenge by developing a unified phonetic transcription system that more accurately reflects the peculiarities of different Quranic readings, particularly the transmissions (Riwayat) of Shuba and Hafs from Asim, as well as Galun and Warsh from Nafi. These recitations, each with their distinct phonetic characteristics, require a transcription system that can facilitate the perception and comprehension of transcribed Quranic texts for both scholars and the broader audience. The phonetic transcription system currently available for Quranic recitation, particularly for the reading of Asim in the transmission of Hafs, is notably effective for one specific Riwayat. However, it proves inadequate when applied to the recitations of other traditions, such as those of Nafi, where the articulation of certain sounds differs significantly. For example, slight variations in the pronunciation of long vowels, nasalization, and emphatic sounds can alter the rhythm and melody of the recitation, yet these differences are not sufficiently conveyed through the current system. The proposed project seeks to unify the phonetic transcription of the Quranic language for the readings of Asim and Nafi, providing a more comprehensive representation of these diverse recitations. This new system, based on a Latin script with the addition of specialized transcriptional symbols, is designed to capture the full range of phonetic subtleties, thereby offering a more accurate and accessible transcription for students, researchers, and practitioners of Quranic recitation.
How to Cite
Phonetic transcription, Qur’an, Asim, Shuba, Hafs, Nafi, Galun, Warsh
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