“From Kislovodsk to Sukhum Through Teberda (A Tour Along the Sukhum Military Road)”: the Little-known Travel Notes of Pavlo Ritter (1872–1939)



  M. Domanovska

  A. Domanovskyi


The article introduces the academic community to the little-known travel notes “From Kislovodsk to Sukhum via Teberda (A Tour along the Sukhum Military Road)” by the prominent Orientalist and Indologist, professor of Kharkiv University Pavlo Ritter. The scholar’s observations from a journey to the Caucasus were published in the illustrated supplement to the popular Kharkiv newspaper Morning (Utro), which he edited from 1906 to 1909. In late April 1909, after a series of court trials in which no sufficient grounds were found to indict him for his work as a journalist, Ritter resigned from the post of editor and began to prepare for the journey. Along with restoring his health and enjoying the spectacular views and mountainscapes of the Caucasus, Ritter saw it as his mission to share with the readers of the popular newspaper his observations, high-quality photographs, and detailed instructions for those who might also like to make this difficult trip. Unlike the daily newspaper Morning itself, available to the general public as part of the electronic archive of the project “LIBRARIA: Archive of Ukrainian Periodicals Online,” the illustrated supplement, which was published on Sundays and in which Ritter’s travel notes “From Kislovodsk to Sukhum via Teberda (A Tour along the Sukhum Military Road)” appeared in September-November 1909, is not digitized. The authors were able to access it at the V. H. Korolenko Kharkiv State Science Library two weeks before the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and eventually prepare it for publication.

How to Cite

Domanovska, M., & Domanovskyi, A. (2023). “From Kislovodsk to Sukhum Through Teberda (A Tour Along the Sukhum Military Road)”: the Little-known Travel Notes of Pavlo Ritter (1872–1939). The Oriental Studies, (92), 133–196. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2023.92.133
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Pavlo Ritter, newspaper “Morning”, travel notes, Caucasus, Sukhum Military Road, Russian Empire



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