Hirata Minoru: the Last Japanese Consul in Odesa (1934–1937)



  S. Pavlenko


Hirata Minoru became the last Japanese consul in Odesa. He performed his duties from 1934 to 1937. Hirata was an experienced diplomat, who graduated from the Tokyo School of Foreign languages and worked at different consulates and embassies. He arrived in Odesa in the spring of 1934. Like other foreign consuls, Minoru was under constant surveillance by Soviet counterintelligence, and among the consulate’s employees were secret agents. Hirata’s main focus for working was researching the region and writing reports. He mostly wrote short reports and sent them to the Japanese embassy in Moscow. Then these messages were provided to Tokyo. The themes of Minoru’s consular reports were quite typical. He reported on the activities of the consuls of other countries, the situation of national minorities in the USSR, the development of trade, industry and agriculture, navigation, railway transport, the development of the social, humanitarian, educational and cultural spheres, the problems in the life of the local population etc. The Japanese had to write very carefully in the reports about various political problems because as a rule they were intercepted by Soviet counterintelligence. However, he informed Tokyo about the consequences of the Holodomor, anti-religious policies and various repressions by the government. In 1937, the USSR decided to reduce the number of foreign consulates on its territory. The Japanese consulate in Odesa was included in the list of institutions slated for liquidation. The Soviet side was convinced that this institution existed exclusively for espionage and sabotage works. In the spring and summer of 1937, the USSR and Japan had been struggling for consulates. The Tokyo government wanted to preserve the institution. But from mid-September 1937, the Soviet side stopped recognizing the Japanese right to a consular institution in Odesa. On September 17, the consul and secretaries were forced to leave the city. Employees who had been Soviet citizens were repressed until the end of the year.

How to Cite

Pavlenko, S. (2023). Hirata Minoru: the Last Japanese Consul in Odesa (1934–1937). The Oriental Studies, (92), 33–64. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2023.92.033
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Hirata Minoru, Odesa, Japan, Japanese consulate in Odesa, Uchida Kozo



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