Building Ukraine outside Ukraine. Review of Olga Khomenko’s book “The Far Eastern Odyssey of Ivan Svit” (Kyiv, 2021, 584 p.)



  Yu. Yurchuk


The review is focused on the book “The Far Eastern Odyssey of Ivan Svit” (Kyiv, 2021) of Olga Khomenko. The book contributes to the studies of Ukrainian diaspora in Asia and proposes a systematic approach to a group of people who formed Ukrainian life transcending the boundaries of several countries.

How to Cite

Yurchuk , Y. (2023). Building Ukraine outside Ukraine. Review of Olga Khomenko’s book “The Far Eastern Odyssey of Ivan Svit” (Kyiv, 2021, 584 p.). The Oriental Studies, (91), 143–146. Retrieved from
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Ukrainian diaspora, Ivan Svit, Far East, settler colonialism, nationalism


Khomenko O. (2021), Dalekoskhidna odisseya Ivana Svita, LAURUS, Kyiv.

Burbank J. and von Hagen M. (2007), “Coming into the territory: uncertainty and empire”, in Burbank J., von Hagen M. and Remnev A. (eds), Russian Empire: Space, People, Power, 1700–1930, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, pp. 1–29.