On the changes of quantitative numerals 11–19 in Caucasian Persian (Tat) and Northern Talyshi



  A. Tonoyan

  H. Avchyan


Two of the Western Iranian languages spoken in the territory of the current Azerbaijan Republic, Caucasian Persian (Tat) and the Northern Talyshi, belonging to the southwestern and northwestern branches of Iranian languages, respectively, have many common phonetic and grammatical features. These commonalities are due to the genetic relationship between them (indigenous Iranian heritage), as well as the language contacts and interactions between them, presumably during a certain historical period. In addition, there is another important circumstance that has led to the conditioning of some of these commonalities, namely the superstrative influence of the Azerbaijani language, which has acquired the status of a dominant language in the region during the last century. Although the influence of the Azerbaijani language on the Caucasian Persian and its influence on the Northern Talyshi have been investigated as separate topics by some researchers, similar changes in these languages caused by the influence of the “dominant” language have not been studied till now. This work is an attempt to fill this gap and also to create a precedent for further examination of some grammatical commonalities between the two languages from this point of view. The presented article is a case study on the ongoing change in the composition of the series of quantitative numerals 1119. It aims to highlight the reasons for this change in the two Iranian languages by examining the languages using the comparative-typological method. Given that both Caucasian Persian and Northern Talyshi are classified as endangered languages by UNESCO [Moseley 2010, map 1112], the study of the prominence of these languages, the influence of the non-native dominant language on them, their strength, and the rate of displacement of native forms is very crucial and perhaps one of the most important tasks of modern Iranian dialectology and Iranian linguistics.

How to Cite

Tonoyan , A., & Avchyan, H. (2023). On the changes of quantitative numerals 11–19 in Caucasian Persian (Tat) and Northern Talyshi. The Oriental Studies, (91), 125–142. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2023.91.125
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Quantitative numerals, Caucasian Persian, Tat, Northern Talyshi, superstrative influence, language contact, Kurdish, Zazaki, Dimli, Turco-Iranica


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