The article presents a study of the phenomenon of the Egyptian Old Kingdom officials titulature from the standpoint of structuralism, especially the problem of its origins and principles of its functioning in state institutions and in the society. A title structure included: 1) magical elements, i. e. names of the offices and ranks; 2) ritual elements, i. e. names of the economic institutions; 3) mythological elements, i. e. rhetorical characteristics.
The autobiography is considered as a description of an abnormal career beyond titulature aiming to bring a functionary out of the “magic” world of the service and lead him to the world of state rituals as an enterprising hero in the administrative mythology. Special attention is paid to the problem of fictitious nomination of the functionary employments through the title, which was possible only in the rhetorical context beyond titulature.
How to Cite
Old Kingdom Egypt, Some Theoretical Aspects of the Problem, The Structure, Titulature
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