In connection with the interethnic conflicts in the late XX – early XXI century the study of the theme on Russia’s foreign policy in the South Caucasus is of particular importance. Geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the Caucasus, including the South Caucasus, for Russia’s hegemonic and imperial plans contributed to the fact that Russia’s policy in the region in XVIII – early XIX centuries has always been in the center of researchers’ attention. Works by contemporary historians devoted to the study of these issues have reflected the conceptual changes in historical science occurred with the collapse of the USSR.
In the article it was attempted to conduct historical analysis of some representatives’ works of the modern Russian historiography, free of ideological postulates of the Soviet period, which allow to identify the essence of the colonial policy of Russia in the South Caucasus, reasonably demonstrate various methods of implementation of this policy and highlight objectively its trends in the region.
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Contemporary Russian Historiography, Russia’s Policy, South Caucasus, XVIII – early XIX Centuries
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