Each developed a language, as we know, has in its composition a significant number of persistent phrases – phraseology (from the Greek. Phrasis (expression) + logos (teaching)), which are used by native speakers are always in a familiar, established form. It idioms convey the spirit and the unfading beauty of language. In this context, idioms can be defined as trafficking of words and expressions that are distant from the straight but attractive and very accurate sense. When comparing phraseology with component-zoonyms in Ukrainian and Turkish languages, we are faced with a number of similarities and differences. The material we have selected and reviewed about 150 phraseology Ukrainian and Turkish languages. We have divided the idioms with component-zoonyms of semantic and structural aspects into 5 groups: I-st group: İdioms with component-zoonyms identical in structure and meaning. Idiom of the group in the structure and meaning are identical in both languages. II-nd group: İdioms identical in structure and meaning, but with an alternative component-names of animals. The similarity of phraseology of this group in the two languages is partial. III-th group: İdiom in Ukrainian has a component-zoon, but his counterpart in the Turkish language without zoonyms component. The similarity of phraseology of this group in the two languages is partial. The IV-th group: Turkish idiom has a component-zoon, but its counterpart in the Ukrainian language without zoon component. This group, has no analogue phraseology with zoonyms component, but has similar language elements. Because of differences in the semantic meaning of this group of phraseology a little problematic in the translation process. V-th group: There are considered Ukrainian phraseologisms with the component-zoonyms which do not have analogues in the Turkish language.
How to Cite
Component-Zoonyms, Translation Phraseology, Turkish, Ukrainian
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