In this remarkable PhD Thesis, published as a book by BAR [Maravelia 2006], as it was written by a Scholar who combines both astronomical and Egyptological studies, the evolution of astronomical thought, as well as various astrono-mical and cosmovisional ideas in pharaonic Egypt (c. 2800–1200 BC) were adequately examined, after the most important religious texts (primarily Pyramid Texts (PT) and Coffin Texts (CT), and secondarily Book of the Dead (BD)). More specifically, the author examined the astronomical conceptions of the ancient Egyptians concerning the stars, the Sun, the Moon and the planets, as they are revealed in these funerary texts. Maravelia compared them to similar astronomical notions found in the Orphic Hymns; and finally, she compared them (mutatis mutandis) with the necessary epistemological prudence to the modern scientific astronomical and cosmological conceptions. It is to be noted that the author’s comparative study of the astronomical ideas of the Egyptians and the Orphics is complete, while her analysis of the Egyptian sources is not exhaustive, because other researchers had already worked on this domain with considerable success; nevertheless, a statistical analysis and a global comparative study of the corpora of PT and CT were presented in her book for the first time. The textual study of the Orphic Hymns and the funerary texts of the Egyptians was conducted within the interdisciplinary framework of both Egyptology and Archaeoastronomy. It showed that similar methods of textual analysis are very effective for dating ancient texts on the basis of their astronomical elements; it also offered much valuable information on the forma mentis and the astronomical ideas of the Egyptians of Antiquity.
Як цитувати
Égypte antique, Hymnes Orphiques
Baud M. (2006), “The Relative Chronologies of Dynasties 6 and 8”, in E. Hornung, R. Krauss, and D. A. Warburton (eds), Ancient Egyptian Chronology, Handbuch der Orientalistic, 83, Brill, Leiden, pp. 144–58.
Belmonte J.-A. and Shaltout M. A. M. (eds) (2009), In Search of Cosmic Order: Selected Essays on Egyptian Archaeoastronomy, SCA Press, Cairo.
Bretagnon P. and Francou G. (1988), “Planetary Theories in Rectangular and Spherical Variables: VSOP87 Solution”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, No. 202, рр. 309–15.
CT – de Buck A. (1935–1961), The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Vol. I–VII, Oriental Institute Publications, Chicago.
EAT – Neugebauer O. and Parker R. A. (1960–1969), Egyptian Astronomical Texts, I: The Early Decans; II: The Ramesside Star Clocks; III: Decans, Planets, Constellations and Zodiacs / Plates, Brown University Press, Providence, RI.
Faulkner R. O. (1973–1978), The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, Vol. I–III, Aris & Phillips, Warminster.
Faulkner R. O. (1998), The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (with Supplement of Hieroglyphic Texts), 2nd Ed., Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Gardiner A. H. (1955), “The Problem of Month-Names”, Revue d’Égyptologie, T. 10, рр. 9–31.
Lange C. J. and Vervaet F. J. (eds) (2014), The Roman Republican Triumph: Beyond the Spectacle, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum, 45, Edizioni Quasar, Roma.
Levet J.-P. (2007), “Maravelia (Amanda-Alice), Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series, 1527, 2006, 639 p.”, Tôzai, No. 9, pp. 296–7.
Maravelia A.-A. (2003), “The Stellar Horizon of Khufu: Archaeoastronomy, Egyptology … and Some Imaginary Scenaria”, in S. Bickel and A. Loprieno (eds), Basel Egyptology Prize 1: Junior Research in Egyptian History, Archaeology, and Philology, Aegyptiaca Helvetica, 17, Schwabe & Co – Verlag, Basel, pp. 55–74.
Maravelia A.-A. (2006), Les astres dans les textes religieux en Égypte antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series, 1527, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Musacchio T. (2008), “Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques. BAR International Series, 1527. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, pp. xiv + 638; 72 figures and tables. Indices, including Egyptian terms. In French, with summaries in English, Greek and German. ISBN 1841719641”, Antiguo Oriente, No. 6, pp. 239–42.
Rainey A. F. (1987), “Egyptian Military Inscriptions and Some Historical Implications (Critical Review of Spalinger’s book Aspects of the Military Documents of the Ancient Egyptians)”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 89–92.
Spalinger A. (2008), “Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Egypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series 1527 (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006); 638p; ISBN 978-0-520266360”, Prudentia, Vol. 40, no. 1–2, pp. 108–11.
Spence K. (2000), “Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Astronomical Orientation of Pyramids”, Nature, No. 408, pp. 320–4.
van der Plas D. and Borghouts, J. F. (1998), Coffin Texts Word Index, Utrecht–Paris, CCER/U–CCER / PIREI 6, Production B. V., Utrecht and Paris.
Baud M. (2006), “The Relative Chronologies of Dynasties 6 and 8”, in E. Hornung, R. Krauss, and D. A. Warburton (eds), Ancient Egyptian Chronology, Handbuch der Orientalistic, 83, Brill, Leiden, pp. 144–58.
Belmonte J.-A. and Shaltout M. A. M. (eds) (2009), In Search of Cosmic Order: Selected Essays on Egyptian Archaeoastronomy, SCA Press, Cairo.
Bretagnon P. and Francou G. (1988), “Planetary Theories in Rectangular and Spherical Variables: VSOP87 Solution”, Astronomy and Astrophysics, No. 202, рр. 309–15.
CT – de Buck A. (1935–1961), The Egyptian Coffin Texts, Vol. I–VII, Oriental Institute Publications, Chicago.
EAT – Neugebauer O. and Parker R. A. (1960–1969), Egyptian Astronomical Texts, I: The Early Decans; II: The Ramesside Star Clocks; III: Decans, Planets, Constellations and Zodiacs / Plates, Brown University Press, Providence, RI.
Faulkner R. O. (1973–1978), The Ancient Egyptian Coffin Texts, Vol. I–III, Aris & Phillips, Warminster.
Faulkner R. O. (1998), The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts (with Supplement of Hieroglyphic Texts), 2nd Ed., Oxford at the Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Gardiner A. H. (1955), “The Problem of Month-Names”, Revue d’Égyptologie, T. 10, рр. 9–31.
Lange C. J. and Vervaet F. J. (eds) (2014), The Roman Republican Triumph: Beyond the Spectacle, Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum, 45, Edizioni Quasar, Roma.
Levet J.-P. (2007), “Maravelia (Amanda-Alice), Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series, 1527, 2006, 639 p.”, Tôzai, No. 9, pp. 296–7.
Maravelia A.-A. (2003), “The Stellar Horizon of Khufu: Archaeoastronomy, Egyptology … and Some Imaginary Scenaria”, in S. Bickel and A. Loprieno (eds), Basel Egyptology Prize 1: Junior Research in Egyptian History, Archaeology, and Philology, Aegyptiaca Helvetica, 17, Schwabe & Co – Verlag, Basel, pp. 55–74.
Maravelia A.-A. (2006), Les astres dans les textes religieux en Égypte antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series, 1527, Archaeopress, Oxford.
Musacchio T. (2008), “Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Égypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques. BAR International Series, 1527. Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006, pp. xiv + 638; 72 figures and tables. Indices, including Egyptian terms. In French, with summaries in English, Greek and German. ISBN 1841719641”, Antiguo Oriente, No. 6, pp. 239–42.
Rainey A. F. (1987), “Egyptian Military Inscriptions and Some Historical Implications (Critical Review of Spalinger’s book Aspects of the Military Documents of the Ancient Egyptians)”, Journal of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 107, no. 1, pp. 89–92.
Spalinger A. (2008), “Amanda-Alice Maravelia, Les Astres dans les Textes Religieux en Egypte Antique et dans les Hymnes Orphiques, BAR International Series 1527 (Oxford, Archaeopress, 2006); 638p; ISBN 978-0-520266360”, Prudentia, Vol. 40, no. 1–2, pp. 108–11.
Spence K. (2000), “Ancient Egyptian Chronology and the Astronomical Orientation of Pyramids”, Nature, No. 408, pp. 320–4.
van der Plas D. and Borghouts, J. F. (1998), Coffin Texts Word Index, Utrecht–Paris, CCER/U–CCER / PIREI 6, Production B. V., Utrecht and Paris.