

  М. O. Тарасенко



Як цитувати

ТарасенкоМ. O. (2020). РЕЦЕНЗІЇ. Сходознавство, (85), 120-127. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2020.85.120
Переглядів статті: 61 | Завантажень PDF: 51


Ключові слова

держави, Освіта, Стародавній Схід


Канева И. Т. Шумерский язык. Санкт-Петербург, 2006.

Коростовцев М. А. Писцы Древнего Египта. Москва, 2001.

Лаврентьева Н. В. “Дом Жизни” и сакральная традиция древнего Египта // Сходознавство, 2017, № 77.

Петровский Н. С. Звуковые знаки египетского письма как система. Москва, 1978.

Baines J. Visual and Written Culture in Ancient Egypt. Oxford, 2007.

Edzard L. Diplomatic Multilingualism in the Middle East, Past and Present: Multilingualism, Linguae Francae and the Global History of Religious and Scientific Concepts // Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra / Ed. by J. Braarvig, M. J. Geller. Berlin, 2018.

Gardiner A. The House of Life // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology. 1938. Vol. 24.

Graff G. Predynastic Egyptian Iconography: Contributions and Relations with the Hieroglyphic System’s Origin // Non-scribal Communication Media in the Bronze Age Aegean and Surroun-ding Areas: the semantics of a-literate and proto-literate media (seals, potmarks, mason’s marks, seal-impressed pottery, ideograms and logograms, and related systems) / Ed. by A. M. Jasink, J. Weingarten, S. Ferrara. Firenze, 2017.

Hagen Fr. (with a contribution by Soliman D.). Archives in Ancient Egypt, 2500–1000 BCE // Manuscripts and Archives. Comparative Views on Record-Keeping / Ed. by A. Bausi, Chr. Brockmann, M. Friedrich, S. Kienitz. Berlin, 2018.

Nordh K. Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Curses and Blessings. Conceptual Background and Transmission. Uppsala, 1996.

Writing – Writing as Material Practice: Substance, Surface and Medium / Ed. by K. E. Piquette and R. D. Whitehouse. London, 2013.


Kaneva I. T. (2006), Shumerskiy yazyk, Peterburgskoe vostokovedeniye, Sankt-Petersburg. (In Russian).

Korostovtsev M. A. (2001), Pistsy Drevnego Egipta, Zhurnal “Neva”, Letniy sad, Moscow. (In Russian).

Lavrentyeva N. V. (2017), “ ‘Dom Zhizni’ i sakral’naya traditsiya drevnego Egipta”, Shodoznavstvo, No. 77, pp. 157–80. (In Russian).

Petrovskiy N. S. (1978), Zvukovyye znaki egipetskogo pis’ma kak sistema, Nauka, Moscow. (In Russian).

Baines J. (2007), Visual and Written Culture in Ancient Egypt, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Edzard L. (2018), “Diplomatic Multilingualism in the Middle East, Past and Present: Multilingualism, Linguae Francae and the Global History of Religious and Scientific Concepts”, in J. Braarvig, and M. J. Geller (eds), Multilingualism, Lingua Franca and Lingua Sacra, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, pp. 321–38.

Gardiner A. (1938), “The House of Life”, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 24, pp. 157–80.

Graff G. (2017), “Predynastic Egyptian Iconography: Contributions and Relations with the Hieroglyphic System’s Origin”, in A. M. Jasink, J. Weingarten, S. Ferrara (eds), Non-scribal Communication Media in the Bronze Age Aegean and Surrounding Areas: the semantics of a-literate and proto-literate media (seals, potmarks, mason’s marks, seal-impressed pottery, ideograms and logograms, and related systems), Firenze University Press, Firenze, pp. 221–32.

Hagen Fr. (with a contribution by D. Soliman) (2018), “Archi-ves in Ancient Egypt, 2500–1000 BCE”, in A. Bausi, Chr. Brock-mann, M. Friedrich and S. Kienitz (eds), Manuscripts and Archives. Comparative Views on Record-Keeping, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, pp. 71–170.

Nordh K. (1996), Aspects of Ancient Egyptian Curses and Bles-sings. Conceptual Background and Transmission, Uppsala University Press, Uppsala.

Writing – Piquette K. E. and Whitehouse R. D. (eds) (2013), Wri-ting as Material Practice: Substance, Surface and Medium, Ubiquity Press, London.