

  D. Markov


The article deals with the problem of isolationism in Nepal in XVIII–XIX centuries concentrating on “Dibiya Upadesh” – an autobiography of king Prithvi Narayan Shah (1769–1775). Special attention is given to the policy of balancing which is closely related to Nepalese isolationism and was the base of foreign and home policy of the kingdom during a long period. The socio-economical aspect of the policy of balancing is being discussed as well.

How to Cite

Markov, D. (2013). “DIBIYA UPADESH” AND IT’S PLACE IN POLITICAL HISTORY OF NEPAL. The Oriental Studies, (61), 78-88. https://doi.org/10.15407/skhodoznavstvo2013.61.078
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Nepal, Place, Political History, “Dibiya Upadesh”


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